Participation Opportunity: Seascape Alaska Expeditions To Increase Understanding of Deep Waters Off Alaska

From May through September 2023, NOAA and partners will conduct the Seascape Alaska series of expeditions on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. The primary goal of these six telepresence-enabled ocean exploration expeditions is improving knowledge about unexplored and poorly understood deepwater areas offshore Alaska, with a… more

AleutBio goes GfBS

Dear Readers (and today special greetings Mrs Kelch, Mrs Knauber, Mrs Kohlenbach, Mrs Akdogan, and Mrs Schienbein)! Sometimes scientists are accused to be locked away in ivory towers. When our project started, we really wanted to do something about it, and one way was to… more

The work just started…!

Working with the Multicorer and taking the samples during the expedition was just the beginning of the investigation. With these samples we hope to shed some light on the distribution and diversity of meiofaunal organisms, in my case on harpacticoid Copepoda. While we (Team DZMB)… more

swarm, the (noun)

According to the German Duden, “a large number of [disorderly] swarming together moving similar animals, people” or “someone who is adored enthusiastically” (but that should not be discussed further here:-). Here we mean rather the film adaptation of the novel by Frank Schätzing, which is… more