Working with the Multicorer and taking the samples during the expedition was just the beginning of the investigation. With these samples we hope to shed some light on the distribution and diversity of meiofaunal organisms, in my case on harpacticoid Copepoda. While we (Team DZMB)… more

According to the German Duden, “a large number of [disorderly] swarming together moving similar animals, people” or “someone who is adored enthusiastically” (but that should not be discussed further here:-). Here we mean rather the film adaptation of the novel by Frank Schätzing, which is… more
Under the motto “Creating the Ocean We Want,” the UN Decade of Ocean Exploration for Sustainable Development (#Link) has been under way around the world since June of last year and will continue until 2030. Our “AleutBio Expedition SO293” has now been officially declared a… more

Copyright: © 2022, Dr. John Paul Balmonte
My name is Ann-Kathrin Weßels and I am the second head of the team for the MUC (Multiple Corer), and besides that I am working on my master studies at the DZMB in Wilhelmshaven. Now, we are almost finished with the expedition and we have… more

Copyright: © 2022, Dr. Anne Helene S. Tandberg
Hi everybody, I am Davide Di Franco, Italian postdoctoral fellow from the Senckenberg Research Institute and Museum in Frankfurt, Germany. AleutBio is the second expedition I have had the pleasure to join. I had my first one in the Southern Ocean during my PhD studies.… more

Copyright: © 2022, Thomas Walter, Creative Commons by Attribution; CC-BY-NC-SA
I am a researcher from Belgium and I was invited to join the AleutBIO expedition to work on echinoderms (e.g. sea stars, urchins). On board I will be part of the AGT team, trawling on the seabed to collect the “big” animals. It is only… more

© Thomas Walter
At this very moment, I’m writing to you from the Bering Sea, at approximately 54 °N, 172 °W. It is 22:00, the sun is still shining, and we have just stopped to collect the very first water sample of this cruise. This feels like déjà vu, but… more

© Thomas Walter
On July 23, the 38 scientists from 12 nations (Japan, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Mexico, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, USA, United Kingdom) boarded the FS Sonne in Dutch Harbor, Unalaska (USA) for the AleutBio (Biodiversity Studies in the Aleutian Trench) expedition. On board we were… more